
Cannabigerol (CBG) Isolate Wholesale – Pure Bulk Supply


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Major Cannabinoids





CBG isolate, or cannabigerol isolate, is a highly refined cannabinoid derived from hemp. It is one of the key chemical compounds found in hemp and cannabis plants, interacting with both CB1 and CB2 receptors. Preliminary research suggests that CBG isolate has digestive and antibacterial properties, making it ideal for use in ingestible and topical treatments.

CBG levels are typically low in mature plants with high THC and CBD concentrations, as most CBG converts into these compounds as the plant matures. To increase CBG production, cannabis cultivators have been experimenting with crossbreeding and genetic engineering.

Characteristics of CBG

CBG is extracted from younger cannabis plants, as they tend to contain more CBG than fully mature plants. Some strains are specifically bred to produce higher CBG levels for this reason.

About CBG Isolate

CBG isolate is often used in topical products like cosmetics, but it’s also found in soft gels, pressed pills, and tinctures. Its high purity makes it ideal for formulations where isolating the CBG cannabinoid is important. In recent years, CBG has gained significant popularity due to its non-intoxicating effects and versatile applications, from tinctures and topicals to vape products.

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